Korysna anhlijśka leksyka na osnovi novyn tyžnia z prykladamy vžyvannia sliv vid linhvistiv viddilu BBC Learning English.
Posluchajte vymovu sliv na ciomu video u vykonanni Nila Edhelera.
Meet David Richards – the leading light when it comes to Christmas decorations.
The Australian has set a new world record for the most Christmas lights attached to a family home.
Friends and neighbours in suburban Canberra have been coming to see the half million bulbs which light up the property.
His electricity bill will be higher than usual, but a local power company is playing Father Christmas and supporting his project.
Korysna leksyka:
- leading light – cvitylo, velyký avtorytet u pevnij haluzi
- world record – svitový rekord
- bulbs – lampočky
- light up – osvityty
- electricity bill – rachunok za elektroenerhiju
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