Urok anhlijśkoji: Many kinds of intelligence

Korysna anhlijśka leksyka na osnovi novyn tyžnia z prykladamy vžyvannia sliv vid linhvistiv viddilu BBC Learning English.

Posluchajte vymovu sliv na ciomu video u vykonanni Fina Aberdyna.


We all dread exam results.

But one English school has decided to soften the blow with a letter.

Tests don’t asses all the things which make people “special and unique”, it says. A love for music or sports, or just being “kind and thoughtful” is also important, according to the note.

The letter has gone viral on the internet.

But the head teacher of Barrowford Primary School has now been accused of plagiarism, after a similar message was discovered on an American blog.

Korysna leksyka:

  • dread – žachatysia, duže čohoś bojatysia
  • soften the blow – pom’jakšyty udar
  • thoughtful – vdumlyvý i uvažný
  • gone viral – duže švydko stav populiarnym v interneti
  • plagiarism – plahiat

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