Korysna anhlijśka leksyka na osnovi novyn tyžnia z prykladamy vžyvannia sliv vid linhvistiv viddilu BBC Learning English.
Posluchajte vymovu sliv na ciomu video u vykonanni Harri Hejnsa.
Does chopping these make you cry? This farmer in the south of England thinks he has the answer.
Alastair Findlay has been developing a ‘No Tears’ onion for twenty years. Each season he has tasted hundreds of varieties to find the perfect flavour.
The new hybrid has a milder taste and aroma than others. That’s good news for your eyes – and also your breath.
Korysna leksyka:
- chopping – narizannia, podribnennia
- varieties – sorty
- hybrid – hibryd, nový sort, vyvedený schrečuvanniam
- aroma – aromat
- breath – podych
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