Korysna anhlijśka leksyka na osnovi novyn tyžnia z prykladamy vžyvannia sliv vid linhvistiv viddilu BBC Learning English.
Posluchajte vymovu sliv na ciomu video u vykonanni Fina Aberdina.
The Freedom Tower in New York. The tallest building in the western hemisphere is now open to visitors.
The history of the city flashes by on the 100-floor journey to the top.
The skyscraper replaces the World Trade Center, and many visitors will inevitably think of September 11th, 2001.
New York still feels the trauma of those events. But the opening of this landmark is part of the city’s ongoing recovery.
Korysna leksyka:
- hemisphere – pivkulia
- flashes by – myhotyť, švydko prolitaje
- inevitably – nemynuče
- trauma – travma, perežytý šok
- landmark – orijentyr, budynok abo misce, čo ototožniujuťsia z jakymoś miscem
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