Urok anhlijśkoji movy: Not just for Christmas

Korysna anhlijśka leksyka na osnovi novyn tyžnia z prykladamy vžyvannia sliv vid linhvistiv viddilu BBC Learning English.

Posluchajte vymovu sliv na ciomu video u vykonanni Roba Kartera.


Covered in baubles, they are the ultimate symbol of Christmas. But what happens when the party’s over?

In Cumbria in the UK, old Christmas trees are being put to good use.

Once drilled into the river banks, these branches help to reduce the force of the water.

It prevents erosion and reduces the risk of flooding. And so recycling means Christmas trees are not just for Christmas.

Korysna leksyka:

  • baubles – jalynkovi prykrasy
  • put to good use – efektyvno vykorystovuvaty
  • banks – berehy
  • erosion – erozija
  • recycling – povtorne vykorystannia

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